Thorson Baker + Associates - Consulting Engineers

Icon in the Gulch

Icon in the Gulch

Nashville, TN | $153,000,000

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Multi-use 20-story project consisting of an eight-level 849-space, 337,800 SF parking structure, supporting a twelve-story, 200-unit 210,500 SF condominium tower. The parking structure was wrapped on three sides by a five- and six-story
structure consisting of street-level retail and four and five stories of apartments. With a total of 1 million square feet, this project used the largest volume of concrete of any building in Nashville, TN. 

Awards: Located in the first neighborhood in the South to receive LEED ND (Neighborhood Development) Gold Certification, Excellence in Design Award from the Urban Land Institute & featured in Urban Land magazine, and Finalist for a national award in the Best High-Rise Condominium category (National Association of Home Builders).